Venice: Traveling Opera in a Historic Palace on Grand Canal
Picture 1 for Activity Venice: Traveling Opera in a Historic Palace on Grand Canal
Picture 4 for Activity Venice: Traveling Opera in a Historic Palace on Grand Canal
Picture 2 for Activity Venice: Traveling Opera in a Historic Palace on Grand Canal
Picture 5 for Activity Venice: Traveling Opera in a Historic Palace on Grand Canal


供應商:Dimensione Lirica
9.6 分,滿分 10 分
價格為 NT$3,396 每位成人
  • 可免費取消
  • 2 小時
  • 行動兌換券
  • 立即獲得確認
  • 多種語言
  • 以適合專家和初學者的新形式享受歌劇
  • 體驗親密的表演,你和歌手之間沒有距離
  • 探索威尼斯“宮殿”,俯瞰著名的大運河
  • 參觀以提埃坡羅的畫作和灰泥裝飾的宮殿房間
  • 聆聽專業合奏表演可追溯到 1800 年代的藝術


    • Venice
    • Venice, Veneto, Italy


    • Palazzo Barbarigo-Minotto, Fondamenta Duodo o Barbarigo, 30124 Venezia VE, Italia. The venue is located near Campo Santa Maria del Giglio, a square on the main walking route connecting Piazza San Marco and the Accademia Bridge. The closest landmark is the Chiesa di Santa Maria del Giglio; on the rear side of the church there is a small bridge leading to Fondamenta Duodo o Barbarigo (on the wall past the bridge there are two signs: a white one and a yellow one). Cross the bridge and follow the small road along the small canal to the left. Turn right when you are in front of the sign "Sotoportego Barbarigo". The entrance is the last gate (n. 2504) on the left, under a vault.
    • Venezia, Veneto, Italy



  • 活動時間為 2 小時2 小時
    2 小時
  • 英語

《茶花女》是朱塞佩·威爾第 (Giuseppe Verdi) 的三幕歌劇,配以弗朗切斯科·瑪麗亞·皮亞韋 (Francesco Maria Piave) 的意大利劇本。
該劇改編自大仲馬 1848 年的小說《山茶花夫人》。

NT$3,396 x 1 位成人NT$3,396

價格為 NT$3,396


  • 詳細資料詳細資料The Musica a Palazzo 會員卡
  • 詳細資料詳細資料 第一間歇期間喝一杯葡萄酒(或汽水)
  • 包含內容包含內容食物(不允許進入場所)
  • 包含內容包含內容 預先指定的座位(由客人抵達時選擇)


  • 不允許:食物


在威尼斯最重要的威尼斯-哥特式宮殿之一,Palazzo Barbarigo-Minotto 體驗意大利歌劇。在這個歷史悠久的場地內,構想了一種創新的歌劇方法,其公式側重於歌手、音樂家和觀眾之間的互動。

這讓觀眾有一種“從內部”體驗歌劇的感覺。這種感覺被巧妙地 360 度“舞台”使用和讓客人穿過 Palazzo 內的 3 個不同的房間而放大,每個房間用於演出的每一幕。整個設置都發生了變化,而不僅僅是背景。

復興可追溯到 1800 年代後期的傳統,這種重新構想由一些最優秀的抒情聲音賦予生命,伴隨著一小群才華橫溢的弦樂和鋼琴:一個在一些最負盛名的音樂廳演出的演奏家合奏世界。



    • Venice
    • Venice, Veneto, Italy


    • Palazzo Barbarigo-Minotto, Fondamenta Duodo o Barbarigo, 30124 Venezia VE, Italia. The venue is located near Campo Santa Maria del Giglio, a square on the main walking route connecting Piazza San Marco and the Accademia Bridge. The closest landmark is the Chiesa di Santa Maria del Giglio; on the rear side of the church there is a small bridge leading to Fondamenta Duodo o Barbarigo (on the wall past the bridge there are two signs: a white one and a yellow one). Cross the bridge and follow the small road along the small canal to the left. Turn right when you are in front of the sign "Sotoportego Barbarigo". The entrance is the last gate (n. 2504) on the left, under a vault.
    • Venezia, Veneto, Italy
    • Palazzo Barbarigo-Minotto, Fondamenta Duodo o Barbarigo, 30124 Venezia VE, Italia. The venue is located near Campo Santa Maria del Giglio, a square on the main walking route connecting Piazza San Marco and the Accademia Bridge. The closest landmark is the Chiesa di Santa Maria del Giglio; on the rear side of the church there is a small bridge leading to Fondamenta Duodo o Barbarigo (on the wall past the bridge there are two signs: a white one and a yellow one). Cross the bridge and follow the small road along the small canal to the left. Turn right when you are in front of the sign "Sotoportego Barbarigo". The entrance is the last gate (n. 2504) on the left, under a vault.
    • Venezia, Veneto, Italy
    • Palazzo Barbarigo-Minotto, Fondamenta Duodo o Barbarigo, 30124 Venezia VE, Italia. The venue is located near Campo Santa Maria del Giglio, a square on the main walking route connecting Piazza San Marco and the Accademia Bridge. The closest landmark is the Chiesa di Santa Maria del Giglio; on the rear side of the church there is a small bridge leading to Fondamenta Duodo o Barbarigo (on the wall past the bridge there are two signs: a white one and a yellow one). Cross the bridge and follow the small road along the small canal to the left. Turn right when you are in front of the sign "Sotoportego Barbarigo". The entrance is the last gate (n. 2504) on the left, under a vault.
    • Venezia, Veneto, Italy