- 可免費取消
- 6 小時
- 行動兌換券
- 立即獲得確認
- 多種語言
- 在聖保羅的高級體育場之一觀看現場足球比賽
- 快來與數千名熱情的球迷一起感受刺激吧
- 放鬆,享受,讓您的導遊解決後勤問題
- 獲得包含的地鐵票的額外好處
- São Paulo
- São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
- Av. Paulista, 2163 - Bela Vista, São Paulo - SP, 01311-300, Brazil | Match-Day Meeting Summary: 1. Meeting Point: Meet in front of the Brasil bank near Consolação Station at Avenida Paulista, 2163 - Cerqueira César. 2. Journey to the Stadium: We’ll take the subway together, with our guide providing insights into Brazilian football culture and ensuring smooth entry and exit from the stadium. 3. Return After the Match: We’ll return to Avenida Paulista, where our guide can assist with arranging transport back to your hotel. 4. Travel Tips: • Plan Ahead: Use the subway if possible, as Uber/taxi cancellations can cause delays. • Dress Comfortably: Wear suitable clothing and comfortable shoes for an extended event. 5. Contact Information: Provide your mobile number with country code for any last-minute updates. 6. Punctuality: Arrive at the meeting point at least 20 minutes early for a smooth departure. 7. Emergency Contact: Use the emergency number if needed to locate the guide.
- Bela Vista, São Paulo, Brazil
聖保羅:體育場足球比賽門票 遊覽
- 6 小時
- 英語
NT$4,540 x 1 位成人NT$4,540
11 月 25 日 (一)前
- 比賽門票
- 旅行團導遊
- 地鐵票
- 球場內每人一杯飲料
- 額外的食物和飲料
- 小費
在我們獨特的聖保羅體育場 遊覽 體驗前所未有的巴西足球激情!在城市頂級體育場之一觀看現場足球比賽,在專業雙語導遊的指導下,確保您在整個賽事過程中的安全和享受。無論您是這項運動的終身粉絲還是新手,這種體驗都會讓您著迷。
感受激動人心的氛圍,成千上萬熱情的球迷高呼、歡呼,慶祝每一個激動人心的時刻。有了我們的遊覽,您無需擔心物流問題——從您的門票到旅程的一切都將得到處理。我們將在保利斯塔大道標誌性的 Consolação 車站集合,您可以在那裡搭乘地鐵,快速便捷地直達體育場。這次冒險從我們聚集的那一刻開始,您的導遊將分享有關聖保羅豐富的足球文化的故事和見解。
- São Paulo
- São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
- Av. Paulista, 2163 - Bela Vista, São Paulo - SP, 01311-300, Brazil | Match-Day Meeting Summary: 1. Meeting Point: Meet in front of the Brasil bank near Consolação Station at Avenida Paulista, 2163 - Cerqueira César. 2. Journey to the Stadium: We’ll take the subway together, with our guide providing insights into Brazilian football culture and ensuring smooth entry and exit from the stadium. 3. Return After the Match: We’ll return to Avenida Paulista, where our guide can assist with arranging transport back to your hotel. 4. Travel Tips: • Plan Ahead: Use the subway if possible, as Uber/taxi cancellations can cause delays. • Dress Comfortably: Wear suitable clothing and comfortable shoes for an extended event. 5. Contact Information: Provide your mobile number with country code for any last-minute updates. 6. Punctuality: Arrive at the meeting point at least 20 minutes early for a smooth departure. 7. Emergency Contact: Use the emergency number if needed to locate the guide.
- Bela Vista, São Paulo, Brazil