2828 Parkway, Pigeon Forge, TN 37863, USA | Go to the main event theater. To get there turn at stoplight #4, go up the hill and look for our sign. The doors open for seating 45 minutes prior to the show. The show starts at 2:00 pm, so the doors open 1:15 pm.
觀看 Stewart Chapman 向貓王致敬的藝術家在距離諾克斯維爾不遠的皮金福奇 (Pigeon Forge) 舉辦的這場演出中展示貓王的聲音、外表和動作。
Pigeon Forge
Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, United States
2828 Parkway, Pigeon Forge, TN 37863, USA | Go to the main event theater. To get there turn at stoplight #4, go up the hill and look for our sign. The doors open for seating 45 minutes prior to the show. The show starts at 2:00 pm, so the doors open 1:15 pm.