Barrack Street Jetty, Perth WA 6000, Australia | Times at this stop - 9.15am; 10.15am; 11.15am; 12.15pm; 1.15pm; 2.15pm; 3.15pm
Alternatively go to any of the other 14 stops around the city and Park. Full timetable and inetractive map can be found on the Perth Explorer web site
Barrack Street Jetty, Perth WA 6000, Australia | Times at this stop - 9.15am; 10.15am; 11.15am; 12.15pm; 1.15pm; 2.15pm; 3.15pm
Alternatively go to any of the other 14 stops around the city and Park. Full timetable and inetractive map can be found on the Perth Explorer web site