供應商:MOLTAK | The windmill kitchen |
10 分,滿分 10 分可免費取消
- 可免費取消
- 3 小時
- 行動兌換券
- 立即獲得確認
- 多種語言
- 在友好的氛圍中探索傳統西班牙美食的秘密
- 與當地家庭廚師學習如何製作自製西班牙海鮮飯
- 把最好的美味食譜帶回家,給你的家人和朋友帶來驚喜
- 參觀我們位於歷史建築的廚房:十七世紀的舊風車
- 我們不只是做飯 - 我們一起創造回憶
- Palma de Mallorca
- Palma de Mallorca, Illes Balears, Spain
- Carrer de la Indústria, 9, Ponent, 07013 Palma, Illes Balears, España | We are at www.moltak.com *The windmill kitchen* in Palma de Mallorca. Address: Carrer Industria 9 07013 Palma de Mallorca We are at the first WINDMILL. Please arrive just 5 minutes before so we can accommodate you all and start together at the set time. HOW TO GET THERE: we recommend as far as possible to reach the location by foot, by bicycle or bus to avoid traffic and contribute to the sustainability of the island. If this is not possible for you, the nearest parking around is Parking Paseo Mallorca, 3 minutes walk away. In this case we recommend arriving with at least half an hour of margin because you might find crowds of cars that will delay your arrival. You can also park in the streets around the windmill, having to place a ticket in your car. CUSTOMER CARE If you require additional information, please CONTACT US VIA WHATSAPP on this telephone 0034 672233555
- Palma, Illes Balears, Spain
- 3 小時
- 英語
NT$4,112 x 1 位成人NT$4,112
- 與當地負責人一起烹飪課
- 午餐或晚餐(取決於所選選項)
- 島上當地開胃菜歡迎小吃
- 西班牙的玉米餅
- 海鮮飯(可應要求提供肉類或素食)
- 忌廉加泰隆尼亞語
- 開放式酒吧提供水、汽水、當地啤酒和葡萄酒
- 酒店接送
- 不適合:行動不便者、素食者
我們的動手烹飪體驗在一座歷史建築中進行:一座 16 世紀的古老麵粉風車,我們已將其復活。繫上圍裙,我們將在環遊全國並返回馬略卡島的旅程中,深入了解我們的文化,一起烹飪 5 道菜的全套菜單。透過我們的廚房,我們將前往西班牙的不同地區,品嚐傳統風味,並發現隱藏在我們文化烹飪標誌中的秘密。Vivan、Ricc、María 或 Luís 將引導您了解每個家庭的「經典」以及我們的媽媽和祖母在廚房中使用的技巧。製作簡單的美味食譜,您可以帶回家,給朋友和家人帶來驚喜:當地的“sobrasada”開胃菜、正宗的“玉米餅”、傳統的“海鮮飯”和“加泰羅尼亞忌廉」。一切都充滿了愛和一點冒險!我們將這個過程變成一個有趣的、團隊合作的、易於理解的過程,這樣我們的客人就能享受在一起的時光,感到安全,並能夠在家中重複菜單。烹飪結束後,我們將一起坐在我們的大餐桌旁,體驗對地中海餐桌的情感、社交和節日成分的熱愛。
- Palma de Mallorca
- Palma de Mallorca, Illes Balears, Spain
- Carrer de la Indústria, 9, Ponent, 07013 Palma, Illes Balears, España | We are at www.moltak.com *The windmill kitchen* in Palma de Mallorca. Address: Carrer Industria 9 07013 Palma de Mallorca We are at the first WINDMILL. Please arrive just 5 minutes before so we can accommodate you all and start together at the set time. HOW TO GET THERE: we recommend as far as possible to reach the location by foot, by bicycle or bus to avoid traffic and contribute to the sustainability of the island. If this is not possible for you, the nearest parking around is Parking Paseo Mallorca, 3 minutes walk away. In this case we recommend arriving with at least half an hour of margin because you might find crowds of cars that will delay your arrival. You can also park in the streets around the windmill, having to place a ticket in your car. CUSTOMER CARE If you require additional information, please CONTACT US VIA WHATSAPP on this telephone 0034 672233555
- Palma, Illes Balears, Spain