New Orleans: Audubon Zoo Ticket and Combination Option
Picture 7 for Activity New Orleans: Audubon Zoo Ticket and Combination Option
Picture 24 for Activity New Orleans: Audubon Zoo Ticket and Combination Option
Picture 12 for Activity New Orleans: Audubon Zoo Ticket and Combination Option
Picture 23 for Activity New Orleans: Audubon Zoo Ticket and Combination Option


供應商:Audubon Nature Institute
10 分,滿分 10 分
價格為 NT$1,284 每位成人
  • 可免費取消
  • 行動兌換券
  • 立即獲得確認
  • 觀賞瀕臨滅絕的美洲鶴、阿穆爾豹和蘇門答臘猩猩
  • 參觀新奧爾良奧杜邦動物園,觀賞超過 1,700 隻動物
  • 在動物園的日常動物照護演示中了解有趣的事實
  • 體驗屢獲殊榮的路易斯安那沼澤、美洲虎叢林和猴山
  • 可選擇參觀富有洞察力的奧杜邦水族館和奧杜邦昆蟲館


    • New Orleans
    • New Orleans, Louisiana, United States


    • 6500 Magazine St, New Orleans, LA 70118, USA | If entering the zoo first: Please go to the main entrance to the zoo at 6500 Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA 70118. Skip the line to purchase tickets and proceed with your barcoded ticket directly to the entry. If entering the aquarium first: The Aquarium is located at 1 Canal Street, New Orleans, LA 70130. Enter the Aquarium from the Riverfront side of the building, skip the line to purchase tickets, and proceed upstairs with your barcoded ticket directly to the entry. The Insectarium is located in the same building as the Aquarium. Please enter on the Riverfront side of the building, skip the line to purchase tickets, and proceed upstairs with your barcoded ticket directly to the entry. The Insectarium entry is to the right.
    • New Orleans, Louisiana, United States



  • 開放時間:週二 00:00 - 00:01
NT$1,284 x 1 位成人NT$1,284

價格為 NT$1,284
  • 開放時間:週二 00:00 - 00:01
NT$1,804 x 1 位成人NT$1,804

價格為 NT$1,804


  • 詳細資料詳細資料奧杜邦動物園免排隊門票
  • 詳細資料詳細資料 奧杜邦水族館免排隊門票(如果選擇了選項)
  • 詳細資料詳細資料 奧杜邦蝴蝶園和昆蟲館免排隊門票(如果選擇了選項)
  • 包含內容包含內容食物和飲品
  • 包含內容包含內容 進入其他景點


  • 不允許:自行車、冷卻器、食品和飲料、寵物、溜冰鞋、吸煙


持預訂門票進入新奧爾良奧杜邦動物園。享受 50 多英畝的創新自然棲息地和代表 350 多個物種的 1,700 多只動物。升級至組合選項,可進入奧杜邦水族館和/或奧杜邦蝴蝶園和昆蟲館。

參觀非洲獅棲息地,這裡有 3 隻雌性和 1 隻雄性的令人驚嘆的近距離景觀,以及戶外蘇門答臘猩猩棲息地,其中有在動物園出生的猩猩寶寶。探索著名的猴山,那裡有一座 5 層樹屋。

穿越到中美洲的美洲虎叢林,這裡有考古挖掘、蜘蛛猴、豹貓、美洲虎和「Criaturas de la Noche」蝙蝠屋。

參觀路易斯安那沼澤展覽,這是世界上唯一的城市沼澤,展示來自路易斯安那州南部的動物,如黑熊、猞猁、狐狸和白鱷魚。與綿羊和山羊等家養物種互動,同時了解 Watoto 農場的永續農業實踐。



    • New Orleans
    • New Orleans, Louisiana, United States


    • 6500 Magazine St, New Orleans, LA 70118, USA | If entering the zoo first: Please go to the main entrance to the zoo at 6500 Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA 70118. Skip the line to purchase tickets and proceed with your barcoded ticket directly to the entry. If entering the aquarium first: The Aquarium is located at 1 Canal Street, New Orleans, LA 70130. Enter the Aquarium from the Riverfront side of the building, skip the line to purchase tickets, and proceed upstairs with your barcoded ticket directly to the entry. The Insectarium is located in the same building as the Aquarium. Please enter on the Riverfront side of the building, skip the line to purchase tickets, and proceed upstairs with your barcoded ticket directly to the entry. The Insectarium entry is to the right.
    • New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
    • 6500 Magazine St, New Orleans, LA 70118, USA | If entering the zoo first: Please go to the main entrance to the zoo at 6500 Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA 70118. Skip the line to purchase tickets and proceed with your barcoded ticket directly to the entry. If entering the aquarium first: The Aquarium is located at 1 Canal Street, New Orleans, LA 70130. Enter the Aquarium from the Riverfront side of the building, skip the line to purchase tickets, and proceed upstairs with your barcoded ticket directly to the entry. The Insectarium is located in the same building as the Aquarium. Please enter on the Riverfront side of the building, skip the line to purchase tickets, and proceed upstairs with your barcoded ticket directly to the entry. The Insectarium entry is to the right.
    • New Orleans, Louisiana, United States