日本、〒604-8121 京都府京都市中京区柳馬場通蛸薬師下る十文字町452 | Nishiki Orizuruya is a traditional Japanese house on Yanagi-no-Banba street. Please enter the entrance. You will see a big sign "Nishiki Orizuruya" at the entrance. We will also place a green board. Once you enter the house, please tell your name to a receptionist.
日本、〒604-8121 京都府京都市中京区柳馬場通蛸薬師下る十文字町452 | Nishiki Orizuruya is a traditional Japanese house on Yanagi-no-Banba street. Please enter the entrance. You will see a big sign "Nishiki Orizuruya" at the entrance. We will also place a green board. Once you enter the house, please tell your name to a receptionist.