198 Seminole St, Clearwater, FL 33755, USA | If you drove your own vehicle please park in one of the open spaces. You will need to pay for parking at one of the kiosks or by using the Park Mobile app. Please call the captain and he will guide you to the pickup location.
乘客將抵達 198 Seminole St. Clearwater Fl. 的上車地點。船將在碼頭等候。顧客可以攜帶任何他們喜歡的食物和飲料。我們將為您提供一個大型冷卻器和冰塊。船長可以帶領乘客遊覽克利爾沃特海灘、障壁島、三魯克酒吧,並在卡拉德西島停留。船長將調整巡航以滿足客戶的需求/願望。有些顧客更喜歡在三魯克 (Three Rooker) 度過所有時間,享受僻靜的海灘。而其他人則更喜歡跳島遊並探索其他地區。其他人則喜歡到處巡遊並參觀價值數百萬美元的房屋。我們很自豪能夠為您提供一次難忘的定制旅行,使這次旅行成為您假期中最美好的一天。
Clearwater, Florida, United States
198 Seminole St, Clearwater, FL 33755, USA | If you drove your own vehicle please park in one of the open spaces. You will need to pay for parking at one of the kiosks or by using the Park Mobile app. Please call the captain and he will guide you to the pickup location.