- 可免費取消
- 3 小時
- 行動兌換券
- 立即獲得確認
- 有史以來第一輛大輪滑板車遊覽
- 享受海灘和小路
- 聖露西亞北部海岸線的歷史
- Castries
- Castries, Castries, Saint Lucia
- Castries, St Lucia | Meeting Instructions If you are arriving at Point Seraphine: Disembark the ship and look for the pier exit. After you exit the pier, you will arrive into a large room. Head for the exit on your right in that same room and walk all the way down past many shops. It's a straight pathway until you are just about to enter the Diamonds International Jewelry Store at the end of the path. Turn right just before the Jewelry Store and you will arrive at the Pink Papaya Restaurant (under 5 minutes walk). Upon your arrival, enter the restaurant and let the host/hostess know that you are there for a tour with LucianStyle. Your local representative will be waiting for you wearing a shirt with the logo "LucianStyle" and also will be holding a sign that reads "LucianStyle" Experiences".
- Castries, Castries, Saint Lucia
- 3 小時
- 英語
NT$3,522 x 2 位成人NT$7,045
- 羅德尼灣
- 鴿子島
- 格羅斯島
- 交易所
- 酒店接送
- 當地美食和水
您準備好享受一生難忘的體驗了嗎!與我們一起探索聖盧西亞崎嶇而風景如畫的北部海岸線。駕駛您訂製的環保大輪電動滑板車,舒適輕鬆地穿越鄉村道路和海灘!這款獨特的機器功能強大、有趣且駕駛起來毫不費力。如果您知道如何騎自行車,那麼掌握它就會輕而易舉。當您看到 iRide 型號 iR2(您當天的戰車)獨特的加勒比海友好型設計時,您會情不自禁地想起晴朗的天空、沙灘和美好時光。這趟遊覽將帶您從度假村前往遊覽起點的羅德尼灣,然後前往格羅斯島、鴿子島、布塞茹爾,然後前往擁有數百年曆史的羅德尼灣海盜天堂,在那裡您將享受海灘度假的樂趣在返回之前先參觀世界著名的瑞德特海灘。您將在每個地點學到很多有價值的歷史,並在這次露天騎行冒險中被令人驚嘆的景色所震撼!(必須持有有效駕照)
- Castries
- Castries, Castries, Saint Lucia
- Castries, St Lucia | Meeting Instructions If you are arriving at Point Seraphine: Disembark the ship and look for the pier exit. After you exit the pier, you will arrive into a large room. Head for the exit on your right in that same room and walk all the way down past many shops. It's a straight pathway until you are just about to enter the Diamonds International Jewelry Store at the end of the path. Turn right just before the Jewelry Store and you will arrive at the Pink Papaya Restaurant (under 5 minutes walk). Upon your arrival, enter the restaurant and let the host/hostess know that you are there for a tour with LucianStyle. Your local representative will be waiting for you wearing a shirt with the logo "LucianStyle" and also will be holding a sign that reads "LucianStyle" Experiences".
- Castries, Castries, Saint Lucia