Source: Tourism Media義大利到義大利旅遊四處觀光,於羅馬觀覽傲然屹立的宏偉建築,往威尼斯欣賞迷人的水上風光,在米蘭暢快盡買奢華的名牌商品。來到這個位於地中海的半島,您可以欣賞米開朗基羅和達文西的巨作,一探天主教發源地,當然也少不了要和比薩斜塔拍張合照。世界歐洲義大利
Source: Tourism Media老橋Take a trip over Florence’s iconic bridge, spared by the Nazis for its beauty and home to jewelers for more than four centuries. 世界歐洲義大利老橋
Source: Tourism Media主教座堂廣場Giotto’s Bell Tower, the resplendent Baptistery, as well as the cathedral and its dome draw the crowds to this square in the heart of the city.世界歐洲義大利教堂區主教座堂廣場