Murat Castle Tours

Murat Castle
Murat Castle
Murat Castle
Murat Castle
Murat Castle

Enjoy the spectacular view of the sea from the battlements of this impressive structure and learn about the Dandy King who was executed here.

Murat Castle contains an intriguing museum on the history of the region. In a twist of fate, it takes its name from King of Naples, Joachim Murat, who was executed in the castle’s main hall. Snap photos of the majestic castle with a scenic backdrop of Pizzo’s hills and quaint houses.

Look around this fascinating 15th-century Aragonese castle for a sense of its history. Learn how Joachim Murat, the brother-in-law of Napoleon Bonaparte, was sentenced to death for treason in this castle. The castle museum enlightens us about the final days of this former king of Naples. 

See the cell in which he was held captive and inspect the waxworks that tell the story of his death by firing squad in 1815. Murat was considered a brave and charming man and was known as the Dandy King, in reference to his extravagant fashion sense. 

Explore the castle in about 45 minutes, including a walk along the ramparts and a descent into the dungeons. Admire the various mannequins dressed in flamboyant clothing from the period. These stand beside intriguing historic documents. Visit the armor and the battlements, from which you can see the sea.  

Relax on one of the benches that line the avenue that leads to the castle’s portal. Enjoy the excellent view of the seaside and the historic part of the town that the benches overlook.  

There is a fee to enter the castle. Discounts are available for kids. The structure opens daily in the morning and remains open until late in summer. It has shorter hours in winter. 

The Murat Castle is in the heart of the Old Town district of Pizzo. It is a couple of blocks north of the main road that runs through the town. Visit nearby sights, such as the Monumento ai Caduti, St. Giorgio Church and the Passerella di Pizzo.

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