It was clean. However, the guests at the hotel were blaring music until late and cooking exotic dishes with the door open, which, with their body odor, stunk up the entire hallway. They were watching TV so loud I could hear it in my room, starting at 4am. I knocked on their door, but they didn't care. On the plus side, it was Indian music and Indian food, which can be fun, and it's nice to maybe learn a new language but at these volumes and while I'm trying to sleep, it was not welcome. The same guests were on their cell phones in the hallway, walking up and down speaking full blast while slamming their doors. I got no sleep. The front desk tried to stop it, but they were unable to. I got this disturbance from the person across, to the left and to the right. I was so tired I, I couldn't show up to work and took the day off. As well, the blackout curtains did not work. Finally, the room was so tech filled that the owners forgot we come here to sleep, not stare at blinking lights. When I turned the lights off, I felt like I was in a videogame. Seriously guys, I don't need the mirror to communicate with my cell phone. I need sleep, not a tech convention. Get real and please screen your guests or ask them to leave if they make the stay for others unbearable. I will not stay here again.