We went to the hotel August the 12th to find the surprise we did not nave any reservation. I has cancelled the reservation for the 25 of July and they charged me for both days US171.14 twice and then US188.64 twice with my credit card that I used to pay the insurance. I got a message from you we have got you covered cancellation is being processed, thank you for choosing us as your travel partner. You are all set, But the money is not back.. Our Insure policies are : 1247235976 June 1st. Itinerary #72315615722434. We showed this to the hotel receptionist guy land still said no reservation made in our name. Cristina Gomez, Antonio Ortiz, Fernando Gomez, Myriam Castaneda. I hope you help us,because is not fair to b4e charged without any service received from the Embassy Hotel.