MirabileCondoDwntown MIA Brickell w PRKG提供 2 間冷氣住房,裡面附設洗衣機/烘衣機以及 DVD 播放機。住房設有獨立起居區,附 加大雙人床 沙發床以及餐桌。舒適加層睡床搭配埃及棉床單、羽絨被以及高級寢具。住宿備有枕頭組合。此家 5 星級出租公寓的住房附設廚房,裡面設置大型冰箱、爐台、微波爐以及獨立用餐區。房客能使用共用浴室。浴室具備淋浴花灑、名牌盥洗用品、免費盥洗用品以及吹風機。
We were unable to stay at this property and the person at the door would not us in. The person I spoke to by phone insisted someone(unidentified) sent me an email saying there was no vacancy. There was no email and I prepaid for two nights. We had to find another place at 1:30 am. Glad we had rented a car.