This place is cheap and clean, but it is very NOISY, all the time, and LIGHT comes into the room through the night. My room had a dead-on view of a very busy and ugly highway. The cars and trucks and motorcycles passed my room, which fronted the street, continually. My bed was probably about 50 feet from the passing vehicles. You hear traffic all the time.
This motel is a small, u-shaped building with a small courtyard that opens onto Highway 1, a road on which you’d like to spend as little time as possible, either in a vehicle or as a pedestrian. (or as a motel guest)
The surrounding neighborhood is a public school, a car dealer, and some quiet neighborhoods to the west. It’s about a mile and a half from the beach, but if that’s your plan, this is not the right place.
There are too many other, better motel options, and certainly many, many better locations in LA and Santa Monica.