「Great place. Well maintained. Clesn and tidy. Spscious rooms. Quiet and pewceful. Away from town centre but not too hard to get to. Really helpful staff. Excellent food (which is not easily the case in PH). Great dive center onsite (Bahuya Divers). Really good reef just off beach of resort for both diving and snorkelling. Ocean is clean, no trash. Had a wonderful time.」
抵達住宿地點整頓好之後,您可能會等不及想四處探索。熱愛海灘的旅客可以去帕里頓海灘走走,享受輕鬆的一天。記得留點時間給聖伊西德羅教堂和Tagmanocan Cave等道地熱門景點。想造訪更多精彩景點,不妨到St Isidore de Labrador Church或Mt. Bandilaan National Park走走。