The Höchst (or Hoechst) district in Frankfurt am Main is a popular destination among tourists and locals. Located on the banks of the River Main, it features notable structures, such as one of the oldest churches in the country. It is also known for its porcelain production and has a famous factory called Höchster Porzellanmanufaktur, where you can see the creation process of this valuable “white gold.” Wander along Höchst’s charming winding lanes and find wooden houses, impressive castles and scenic views of the river.
The Old Town of Höchst survived World War II without much damage. It has historic buildings, such as Justinuskirche (St. Justin Church). This majestic Carolingian basilica has been one of the main cultural monuments in Frankfurt, functioning as a Catholic church for more than 1,150 years.
Explore Höchster Schloßplatz, the heart of Höchst’s old quarter. The beautiful square is surrounded by celebrated buildings. During the summer Schloßplatz has many outdoor seating options and in winter it hosts a lively Christmas market.
One of the most important sites near Höchster Schloßplatz is the complex Höchster Schloß. It consists of the Alten Schloß (Old Castle), built between the 14th and 16th centuries, and the Neuen Schloß (New Castle), from the late 16th century. Take photos of the beautiful palaces and walk around them to discover the remains of the ancient city walls along the River Main.
Another famous palace in Höchst is the Bolongaropalast (Bolongaro Palace), east of the old quarter. The Baroque-style building is surrounded by a lush garden overlooking the river. Marvel at the fountain depicting the god Neptune, and several sculptures decorating the site.
The Mainfähre Höchst is a passenger ferry that goes between Höchst and Schwanheim, a district on the south bank of the River Main. Regional express trains and regional trains operate at the railway station Bahnhof Frankfurt-Höchst. Reach Höchst by using the rail transportation system S-Bahn Rhein-Main, which connects with Frankfurt city center.