What could have been a great stay was ruined by human indifference. Went to Bloomington for the IU vs Purdue basketball game and the town was packed for a sold-out game which should have been anticipated by staff. At check in we were assigned a room on the 5th floor with no warning that the floors were being replaced on the 6th floor. Workers worked every day (including Sunday) from 8am - 6pm making it impossible to get any decent rest in the room that was extra expensive due to the weekend’s traffic and events. Even people on the 4th floor complained that it sounded like the workers were inside their rooms. One elevator (of two) didn’t work which meant sometimes 10-20 minute waits and a cardboard-lined elevator shared with construction workers, cleaning carts, etc. At check in it was suggested we move our car to the garage with no mention of the $16/night fee (while the lot immediately next to the hotel was $7) until we had already moved the car. (We moved it back.) Lastly, when I made mention to the person at the front desk about the work starting so early on Sunday morning, I was met with a shrug and indifference. I get that the hotel needs new flooring, but couldn’t that have been scheduled for the university’s spring break or summer break, when presumably traffic and hotel prices were not so high? Ridiculous and NOT what I would have expected for the $ or hotel brand. The only plus was the location.